禅师博学多闻,遍览大藏经典,深研南传、北传和藏传禅法, 其中以中国禅宗一脉相传的 [看话禅] 为專长,用现代语言开示引导行者往内心深处参究。配搭坐香,跑香,提撕,棒喝逼拶,甚至教行者在行住卧中行细行,或借助宇宙自然的宁静,在水边林下徐行,奔走,看话参禅。
禅师出家前于台湾中兴大学任生物统计学副教授,出家后在台北 医学院开授 [医学伦理],台东大学教授 [禅与心理实践] 等课程。 结合遗传專业知识与禅法修持,见解独到精辟。广泛用于心理治疗 和辅导咨商,协助病患走出内心阴影重获新生。
近年来禅师仆 风尘于世界各地弘法并举办禅七,综计禅师所举办之禅学营及工作坊已达千余梯次,以禅宗传承千年之开悟法门拯现代社会之弊,不仅桃李满天下,亦是大慈大悲之举。
Ven. Huimen
Ven. Huimen expertise in Chan Tradition ‘KanHuaCanChan’ Inquiry Meditation Method and Tibetan Great Perfection Meditation, he has insightful exploration and exquisite experiences in the various meditation techniques from the three great traditions: Northern Buddhism (Mahayana), Southern Buddhism (Theravada) and Tibetan Buddhism.
Inspired by The Great Master Da Hui「寧以此身代眾生受地獄苦,終不以佛法當人情」: 「I would rather substitute this body of mine to endure the sufferings of all beings in hell; than to ever compromise the true teachings of Buddhism to accommodate customary interests, and in the process blinding others.」and The Great Master Da Hui「師乃握竹篦。為應機之器」:「Using the Bamboo Clapper as an expedient device」, thus flexible in using Chan [逼拶] BiZa* devices to help students breakthrough the hurdle, Ven Huimen focuses and emphasises on current Dharma Propagation of Chan Tradition ‘KanHuaCanChan’ Inquiry Meditation Method, and has flexibly sowed the seeds to all corners, both locally and abroad.
*[逼拶] BiZa is an expedient device used by Chan Masters, either gentle or rough way to help the students to progress and breakthrough in any stages of their practice. It can also occur in animate or inanimate context, however in this context it refers to a human master actuating the BiZa on the students.